Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Perfect Pyramid Proposal

So I have alluded to our engagement, but I haven't told you guys the full story!  Where we last left off with the Pyramid relationship, our trip to Disney World had to be canceled because of Sphinx's job, but things were looking up as he got a new job and our vacation was rescheduled for December - and it just so happened to be the week of our seven-year anniversary.

On Saturday morning, the Pyramids drove down from New Orleans to Orlando, stayed off the grounds that night, and hit up the nearby outlet mall.  I had the greatest luck ever and found a purse in the Kate Spade outlet that had been stalking online for months.  It had gone out of stock on the KS website right when I decided I wanted to buy, and I had found some on ebay but you just never know with that.  But there it was, sitting right in the outlet for me!  Ok, so not entirely relevant to the story but it sure was a sign of a great week to come.  We also got some coordinating shirts at the Disney store and we both got some new kicks.

Showing off the new purse new purse, Keds, and Duck Tales shirt!  Silly Miss P, she thinks the purse is the most exciting souvenir of the trip!
The next morning, the day of our anniversary, we checked into our room at Saratoga Springs and decided on our new "throw back" Disney t-shirts for our day at the Magic Kingdom.  Things went as they normally do on our vacations..

We ate some ice cream
Mine is the pineapple/orange swirl from the Dole Whip stand and his is a vanilla/chocolate swirl soft serve.

Rode on Space Mountain

That's an attempt at a high five, and a shoddy picture because I snapped this with my phone from the display screen.
And I beat Sphinx at the Buzz Lightyear ride (as usual): 
Check out that concentration.
And we showed off those cute shirts: 
Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Rangers for him and Duck Tales (woo hoo!) for me - with our "Happy Anniversary" buttons!
We headed back to the room in the early evening, since Magic Kingdom closed for the Very Merry Christmas Party that night and we wanted to change for our anniversary dinner.  We were a little behind with dining reservations since the trip was planned about six weeks before we got there (you can book dining reservations six months in advance!), but it wasn't a crowded time so we didn't have too much trouble.  Our first choice for the anniversary dinner was O'hana at the Polynesian Resort, but they were booked, so we went to California Grill at the Contemporary Resort.  I picked that one because we would be able to see the special holiday fireworks from the restaurant since it's on the 15th floor of the hotel.

You might think that I wasn't surprised at all by our proposal: it was our anniversary, I had a new dress, we were on vacation, going to a fabulous dinner and planning to watch the fireworks.  I wouldn't say I was expecting it, but I sure was hopeful!  I tried not to get too excited in case it didn't happen - he had just gotten this new job, Christmas and my birthday weren't too far away and I didn't want to be upset if this wasn't the time.  It was easy to convince myself of that because our day was just so normal and chill - does this look like the face of a guy nervous and about to propose?

Nope, he's just excited about his new Boba Fett phone case. 
In trying to talk myself down, I realized that my mom hadn't been acting weird at all before we left.  I figured he would have talked to my parents beforehand and my mom is the worst at keeping secrets.  I would have been able to tell, right? 

So we got all spiffy, headed off to dinner, placed our orders, and then went on the balcony to watch the fireworks, which was really impressive as we'd never seen this special nighttime spectacular before.  After the fireworks we deflected some random small talk from a gentleman standing near us and were pointing out some different sites that we could see from the rooftop while the rest of the viewers headed back inside.  After a minute, I suggested we go back inside to see if our appetizers had arrived and Sphinx grabbed my hand and said, "No, wait, I have something to ask you," as he got down on one knee.

Aaaaw, gosh, I'm getting all worked up just writing this, so I'll let Sphinx tell you his side of the story for a minute:

I can’t say that I was nervous or scared when going to propose, all of that was put aside on the front porch of her parents' house.  I had spent the two previous nights pacing and going over in my mind again and again what I wanted to say to them.  I was so nervous that by the time I realized the 15 minute drive was over, I was already on the porch.  I stopped myself, fixed my shirt, laughed, and said "I got this sh*t."  Talking with them couldn't have gone smoother and I had the ring with me to show her mom, which I thought was a great touch.  All in all, I told her parents a very, very vanilla version of what I told Miss Pyramid that night.  Like how I knew from the moment I met her that she was all I ever wanted in this world and I would do whatever it takes to make her happy.  And if that meant skipping out on lunches or not buying DVDs to save for the ring, I made it happen.  After all this, being timid or nervous when the time came was pretty pointless.  There were no worries, it was just us and an inner bubbling of excitement that I couldn't wait to share with my best friend.  In the end it was up to me to pick my moment and I did it when I thought best which ended up being pretty perfect.

Alright I'm back, with a stack of tissues...

He held my hand and said some wonderful things about how much better his life is with me in it and how he sees our future together and then he said "Will you marry me?" and this genius says...


And he was all "uuuh.....yes, really.  I'm kneeling on the ground!" and then I finally figured out to reply with "Yes, yes, of course!" as he slipped on the ring.

I could tell she was excited and overcome with emotions, but for a second it felt awkward being there on one knee.  I did not want to look around to see the people staring at us, but in my periphery I knew they were. After a second some clarity came back to Miss Pyramid and she said yes. I was overcome with a combination of relief and a sense of satisfaction in knowing I said exactly what I wanted to and when. The funniest thing was walking back inside down the pathway people started clapping and saying congratulations.  My insides were all like this after a job well done. 

Back inside, we told the waiter what just happened, and he brought us some free champagne (nice!) and our dinner.  I was hardly able to eat anything that we ordered because of the excitement, but I was able to finish off both of our champagne glasses, since Sphinx isn't a fan (double nice!).  He wasn't as keen on the idea of reenacting the proposal every night at dinner to get free champagne (boo!).  We called our parents and told them the good news (turns out my mom can keep a secret).  I'm not really the kind of person who cries when happy, but by the time dessert  had come I had started to process everything and I just burst into a fit of tears and then started cracking up laughing.  Hi, I'm Miss Pyramid and getting engaged made me act like a raging lunatic.

Before the sobbing started. 

A special surprise with our desserts.  Also those are caramelized bananas. Yummm.

Downstairs right after dinner and the proposal!
I'm so glad he did it the first night, so we could enjoy the rest of our vacation as an engaged couple.  We wore our "Just Engaged" buttons, were congratulated by everyone, and we got to retell the story about a million times.  It was great just to be able to use the word fiance and learn about everything that went into making that night a success. 
The rest of the trip was just perfect, as we went out to eat (and drink!) some more

He beat me at Toy Story Mania (as usual)

 I took pictures of my new ring with everything
Well, I attempted to.  On the "pixie dust" pavement in Epcot. 

And of course made it "Facebook official" - but only after calling up the people we wanted to tell it to directly!

In case he had second thoughts, there was the chance to deny my engagement request on FB. 
And I would randomly have freakish excited moments where I'd do a weird scream and hold up my hand, just like Jennifer Lawrence getting excited about certain events to come in the Catching Fire movie.

So these were on the same day, but believe me it was happening the whole time.

Source: VH1
Overall, it was the perfect proposal in my eyes because it was just the two of us and we were able to relax, enjoy being newly engaged, and take it all in together before coming home to family, friends, and the whirlwind Christmas season.  Sphinx did good, y'all! You'll hear the juicy details about my ring another time.

And now you're all caught up on the Pyramid love story!

Did anybody else have a vacation proposal or an "engagement-moon"?

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