Monday, January 19, 2015

Monumental Love: Processional into Position

As the girls and I were waiting in the back of the church, our guests started filtering into the pews of St. Francis of Assisi.  I had given a few songs to the organist to play during this time (Momma P requested "Sunrise, Sunset" from Fiddler on the Roof, and they were fine with playing it, even though it was a secular song).  I have no confirmation that these songs did play, but let's say they did. 

|All photos by Eau Claire Photographics|

I always enjoy recaps that include the music so I can get in the right mood while viewing the pictures, so please listen along.  We'll start with the music for the seating of the mothers and grandmothers, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," performed on the organ and the trumpet.

We didn't choose anyone for ushers, so I just asked the guys to mingle, greet guests in the back of the church, and offer an arm to any ladies they saw who looked like they might enjoy that sort of thing.  I also can't speak for how well this turned out, but I'll just assume it was fine as well.

With no ushers, I opted to just leave the programs at the table behind the last pews and assumed people would take see them and take one if they wanted.  I suppose they were getting overlooked, so some family friends stepped in and handed them out.  

L and her dad Mr. M (just a touch of resemblance, right?) were distributing programs, while Mrs. D had spent the morning as my mom's personal assistant/driver/delivery person.  Their son was one of the guys outside with the umbrellas escorting guests inside - so let's just say the M family went above and beyond the call of duty to help out on our wedding day!  Love you guys. DisneyBuds4Eva.

Daddy P, Sphinx Dad, and Sphinx himself were hanging out in the vestibule doing some greeting - although that groom is starting to look a bit more nervous.

GM Lil Bro had a lot of laps to make that night.  First, he seated Nanny along with her husband and our other aunt.  They kicked things off as kind of the end of the guests/beginning of the official stuff group.

My cousin M escorted our step-grandmother, Maw Maw Heart, who had come all the way from California to be with us. 

Cousin M and GM Lil Bro met at the back to escort our grandmother, Maw Maw Weezie down the aisle.  She grew up attending St. Francis as her home church, and her first wedding was here as well, so it was very special to her.  Also she was super excited about her sassy blue dress. 

Next, Sphinx walked down his mom, with his dad following behind - the joy on Spinx Mom's face makes me smile when I look at these pictures.

I love looking through our pictures for little details of our guests, such as Aunt T (MIL's sister) looking on lovingly on the left-hand side.  Adorable.

Another trip down the aisle for GM Lil Bro - escorting our lovely mother. 

Beause of how close I am with my mom, early on I tossed out the idea to have both her and my dad walk with me.  She chose to keep it traditional and go down before us, so I was glad to see she she was all smiles for her trip up the aisle.

During the family seating, the groomsmen were all off to the side of the altar, and the bride's mother being seated was the cue to step out, bow, and head down to the middle of the church to wait for the bridesmaids.  

Here, the music switched over to "Canon in D."  I like the song, but had something else that I preferred for my own walk - so the bridal party procession was the perfect place to incorporate it. 

The girls gave me some final tweaks and veil fluffs before taking their places in line. 

And I presume Daddy P was making some "dad jokes" to keep us all giggling.  

The church has a cross-aisle in the middle of the pews, so we had the groomsmen wait there.  The ladies walked halfway up the aisle alone, then grabbed an arm and continued along.  A small detail, but I liked the idea of mixing it up the tiniest bit.  

First up, GM Shark and BM Duffy - he was married two weeks before us, and her wedding day was a month later.  So it was a familiar walk for him and a good bit of practice for her.  

GM Lil Bro and BM Perk were the most natural pairing to walk together since they were the two tallest.  My brother was a pretty short little dude for many years, though, so it was funny to see that he was taller than her even when she was in heels! 

 Since we had six guys and five girls in the party, one of the girls needed to rock double-duty on the arm candy.  I figured BM Taco was up to the task with GM Moe and GM Goatee.  There definitely was a bit of "How's that going to work out?"  Exhibit A: it worked out just fine.

To keep things in the family, we had BM Dino walk with her cousin, GM Jojo.   

Aunt T mentioned she started tearing up at this point - watching the eldest boy and girl in their side of the family walking together.  Also in the background, I can see GM Jojo's wife smiling on - unknown to many of us, she was carrying an extra itty bitty guest with her that night!  Their baby boy joined the family just before Christmas this year, and he's absolutely precious (just had to throw that in somewhere!)

MOH Curls's little prissy smile cracks me up here.  Nervous much, sister?

Finally, we have MOH Curls and BM Skittles - he was waiting up at the altar with Sphinx and walked halfway down the aisle to meet her, and they continued back up together.  That's just the preferred way of doing it by our church coordinator, and from the looks of the pictures, they were able to pull the timing off like pros.

Can we just have a minute to recognize how all of the girls held their bouquets low!  *bridal fist pumping in excitement*  It's a pet peeve of mine to see girls wielding their bouquets "like weapons" (someone used that phrase when everyone was being given their floral instructions - I can't recall who - and it's so accurate).  Of course, once I was walking down the aisle, the last thing I thought about was where my bouquet was, but you'll just have to see how that turns out next time...

But let's end on less of a crazy-bride note: these are pictures of people who we love and care about and I'm just glad we were able to incorporate them and have them stand up beside us. For the bridal party, I imagine the walk is kind of the scariest part, but I'm kind of glad we stuck them in the spotlight.  They each deserved the time to be recognized for their support and friendship in our lives, and in preparation of our wedding.  Plus, look how awesome they all look! 

Previously on the Pyramid Wedding:

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