Monday, August 18, 2014

An Unexpected Something Blue

Starting this off a little differently than planned: I've been piecing this post together for a while now, trying to sum up my feelings and experiences, and finally felt like I was in a place to wrap it up.  With last week's tragic news about Robin Williams, I want to emphasize that the term "post wedding depression" is just that - a term.  I am not not making light of a severe, psychological illness by comparing it to a phase of my life.  But depression is a widespread condition, and PWD is something that seems to be widespread among newlyweds.  I found some comfort in reading posts by past bees (specifically Mrs. BuntingMrs. Fox, and Mrs. Camel), because it made me feel less alone.  No matter if you are just feeling a little blue, or dealing with something that is impacting your life much more seriously, please reach out to a friend, a counselor, support group, or mental health professional.  You deserve to be happy and there are people who want to help.

Well, if this was middle school, Pyramidxoxo2014 might have this posted up as an away message.

Wise words from Glinda in Wicked.

A little bit emo, a little bit melodramatic, but what else were 8th grade and AIM for?

Monday, August 11, 2014

Gifting the Girls

As I've mention many times, most of my bridesmaids traveled to attend the wedding.  They also threw me a kickass bachelorette party in Vegas and in general were amazing all through my wedding planning process.  I knew I wanted to gift them appropriately, and I used the last year to accumulate lots of little items to show how much I appreciated everything they did for me.   

Photo from MOH Curls since I forgot to take on before gifting.

A day or two before the wedding, I gave them their bags.  I know tote bags are pretty standard, but I wanted to put all the gifts into something usable.  I found these cute damask bags with a fleur-de-lis at a local jewelry show and figured they'd be perfect.  Once I saw the girls using these and how much they were able to hold, I wish I had picked one up for myself as well! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

This is Your Brain on Bride

When the wedding day was quickly approaching, I started to notice a strange phenomenon.

Out in the real world, my friends, family, and acquaintances would probably be okay with describing me as an uber-organized, Type A,  meticulous planner.  From my point of view, I often feel like the to-do lists never get done, but I suppose I'm just a perfectionist who can never be satisfied.  I'm good about remembering dates and numbers off the top of my head, and I can be detailed to a fault.  Apparently, even I was no match for wedding planning.

Y'all, I got scatterbrained.

I've had this picture pinned for ages - I love it because I have a pink laptop!/Picture is a cake topper from Etsy seller Anna Crafts