Monday, November 17, 2014

Monumental Love: Ready to Rock & Bowl

So after a crazy morning, we finally made it down to the Windsor Court hotel, where several of us would be staying for the weekend.  We hit the quarter really quickly, so that some of our tourists could purchase some "souvenirs." 

This picture cracks me up - BM Duffy was so excited for her fiance to try the drinks she'd had at Mardi Gras!
Once those important stops were out of the way, we all got changed for the welcome party at Rock 'n' Bowl.  In the lobby, a piano player and singer were entertaining folks in the lounge, and while we were waiting for our car, they started to play "What a Wonderful World."  Daddy P had picked that as our father-daughter dance song, so we got in a little practice in the lobby. 

We finally made it to Rock n Bowl, and it was flat out just a fun time.  All remnants of stress from that morning evaporated - we had yummy finger foods, an open bar, several lanes for bowling, and an assortment of mini cupcakes from Sphinx's favorite bakery!  Nothing says good times like some mini cupcakes!

Sphinx Mom made a banner from the invite design, which was by Pretty Fly Creations.  So perfectly cute!
The guest list for the welcome party consisted of some local family, bridal party and their dates, and guests from both sides from out of town.  There were reunions going on with my high school friends, Mr. P's out of town family, and some of my parents' old friends.

Some of the fabulous ladies of the Sphinx family.
With so much talking, eating, and drinking going on, no one was too strict about sticking to their lanes.  We left some spots open for a player whenever someone wanted to come up and bowl for a few rounds.  I even found some time to play against MOH Curls!

Curls is cheering her ball on, but I prefer the "lean with it" approach so the ball knows where to go.

I spent a good bit of time making the rounds and socializing with all the friends who came out that night.

High school friends on the left, and Disney Program friends on the right.  
And of course you know who these ladies are by now.

What a difference from earlier in the day, right?
Oh yea, and I spent a few minutes with this guy too.

He'd been doing some socializing of his own.  Captain Morgan style.
Even though it was a laid back event, we had to make sure to schedule one small thing: singing "Happy Birthday" to GM Lil Bro!  That day was his 19th birthday, so we had a cake at the party for him too.  He was such a good sport about sharing his birthday weekend with us.

He is not such a good sport about having people singing to him.

It was a great time to just meet and greet with some people we don't see too often, and I think everyone had a fun time!  And all of this was thanks to our awesome hosts, Sphinx Mom and Dad.  I swear we got some whole family photos on the wedding day, because we did a bad job of that in these pre-wedding events!

A bit of a photo bomb never hurt anybody.

So are you familiar with those beautiful pictures of the bride and groom sharing a last kiss or hug the night before the wedding? I wasn't planning for that at all, but as Sphinx was leaving the party and came to say goodbye, everyone jumped around us with cameras.  It felt like a paparazzi swarm, but this is the only picture I've seen of that goodbye.  Ah well, that's why we hire the professionals.  

I know exactly what I was saying here: reminding him to put that Disney music on the ipod to bring tomorrow.  Nothing like last minute!

We stuck around for a little while after our party was officially over to enjoy the band, but didn't stay too late.  We had a big day coming up!  Dino and Taco stayed in the hotel room with me, and they were under strict orders to make sure I got to bed early.  I spent a little bit of time making sure everything was laid out nicely for the morning, jotted down some ideas for my letter to Sphinx (which I wouldn't write until the next morning), and laid down to sleep.

Want to know something cool? This is my 100th post here on Wedding Bee (how crazy!) and starting with #101 we'll be talking about the actual wedding day!  Took me long enough, right?

Previously on the Pyramid Wedding:

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