Friday, December 5, 2014

Monumental Love: Groom's Team...Assemble!

As you saw, girl getting ready time all took place in my hotel suite, with hair and makeup coming to us.  The guys operated a little bit differently, obviously, so I'll rely on Sphinx to tell the story of their morning (but not without some commentary from yours truly, of course). 

The day began like every other, the birds woke me up with their merry songs. I got out of bed with a good stretch, then walked to the mailbox and waved “Hey” to the neighbor. 

No, seriously I was up later than intended writing my letter to Miss Pyramid after drinking more than intended when several groomsmen came over to the house after our Rock n Bowl party. So the first step was to pound a Red Bull and get the pulled pork going in the crock pot for sandwiches. 

GM Lil Bro, Daddy P, Sphinx, and BM Skittles all acting real cool and casual./Unless stated, all photos by Eau Claire Photographics
I presented my gifts of mini NFL helmets (Saints, Bears, Steelers, and 49ers for each one’s preference) along with sweet ass, flick open pocket knives, and of course matching purple socks. We drank, ate, and laughed at videos on the TV for what didn't seem very long because all of a sudden we had to be downtown in 30 minutes. 

Through a starting player connection, Sphinx got the Saints helmets signed by a few players.  Perks of supporting the home team!/Personal Photo

From a girl's perspective, you wouldn't think guys would get too excited about pocket knives (isn't that something you could just grab for yourself?) but they loved them.  They carry them around to this day and at friend or family gathering there have been a few times when you need a pair of scissors and one of the guys will jump in "Oh, you need that bag of ice opened? Here!" and fling open the pocket knife with some excitement.  Sphinx got one for himself and actually had to throw it out at an airport in Hawaii because he forgot to check it in his luggage.  He was so devastated about that, he ordered a new one online right away and it was waiting for us when we returned from the trip. Point of the story: dudes like knives.

GM Jojo arranged a taxi for a few of us, while we performed the Get Ready: Express Edition in record time, wrapping up just as the car arrived.  We live twelve minutes from downtown so that flew by and before we knew it, we were meeting my dad and ordering drinks at the bar. The boys’ photographer met us there and we headed up to the room to meet Daddy P and GM Lil Bro.

Both dads wore tuxes they already owned with black bow ties, so they would coordinate with the groomsmen, but not have to rent and look exactly like them.

Hilariously, the guys thought they needed to be "doing things" when the photographer was around.  Checking out an old city of New Orleans map - apparently looking for GM Jojo's house on there. 

"So uuuh...this is what you do when a camera's on you, right? This is natural."

This is one of my favorite photos of the day (a true candid): Daddy P and Sphinx Dad watching their sons.

GM Shark (on the left), was just married two weeks before.  I think he was excited someone else had to be the center of attention that day.

Oh come on, GM Moe, cheer up!  I hear there's a flask in someone's jacket.

And then it was time for the very extensive process of finishing off their outfits.  AKA just taking a long time to clip on some bow ties.  It's been said before, but I'll say it again - men just have it too easy. 

Sphinx and his cousins Skittles and Jojo are practically as close as brothers, so I love all the pictures that get them all together.

GM Lil Bro is a fan of getting dressed up and making sure his outfits look "fresh."  The tuxes got a nod of approval from him. A very big deal in my book.

Sneak peak of Sphinx's presents in this pic - stay tuned to the next post to see more!

Looking pretty sharp, if I do say so myself.

Sphinx did his hair all on his own - he's perfected his fancy 'do look over the years, which was kicked off by the awesome hair talents of GM Moe's girlfriend.  She ranks highly in my book for getting Sphinx to care about what his hair looks like and introducing him to the wonderful world of product.

It started to dawn on me at this point that this train was moving pretty quickly, and you’ll see what happens next time on... (theme music plays)

Previously on the Pyramid Wedding:

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